South Africa in Covid-19 Times

While officials in the United States have had varied approaches to addressing the challenges presented by the novel coronavirus, President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa has been quick and thorough in responding. The entire country began a full-scale lockdown on March 27, currently proceeding through May 1, and likely to be extended in some form or fashion. No one is allowed to leave their homes without permission, save a once-a-week trip to a grocery store and pharmacy.

Photo by ER Lomb: Gallo Images via Getty Images

Photo by ER Lomb: Gallo Images via Getty Images

Our friends there are feeling the strain of this strict but necessary order. All have grave concerns about what a Coronavirus outbreak would look like in South Africa.All of the concerns we have here in the U.S. are magnified for South Africa. Their public healthcare system cannot keep up with the daily needs of its citizens, let alone deal with a pandemic. 

For those who live in the slums, practicing social distancing & good hygiene, and following lockdown orders seem impossible. Two to four families share tiny, two-room houses. Houses are within arm’s reach of each other. During the summer, it is suffocatingly hot inside, and during winter, freezing. Many do not have running water - there’s just a community tap and toilet, one for the entire street. Many are already battling Tuberculosis and/or HIV, which makes them high-risk.

Most of South Africa’s workforce are day-laborers, who live hand-to-mouth. Our inboxes contain updates from friends and those we have discipled, who are running out of food and have little money left.

SA Police patrolling in a South African neighborhood - photo: SA Police Service

SA Police patrolling in a South African neighborhood - photo: SA Police Service

Our friends in the townships fear that people’s frustrations will result in riots and violence. Thankfully, crime is down, and the lockdowns are working.

How You Can Pray & Help

We have prayerfully shared our financial resources with trusted close friends in South Africa who need money for food and basic necessities. There are a couple of excellent local organizations who are doing thoughtful, meaningful relief work in the townships, and we are so encouraged by their responses to this challenging situation.

In particular, several close friends are engaged with Her Voice, a ministry distributing food and hygiene kits in two different neighborhoods just down the road from where we lived a few years ago. You can read more here. In addition, we’re really encouraged by our friends Autumn & Venesch with Trinity Church who are also distributing food to those in need in their community.


These are the kinds of actions which will reverberate through the community, providing hope in the midst of trouble, light in the midst of darkness.

When we are able to connect with them, we pray for them and encourage them that they are not alone. We ask you now to pray with us for South Africa and our friends above. Pray especially for the pastors and community leaders there who are feeling the strain to support their congregations spiritually, emotionally, and practically, while facing the same hardships themselves.

If you would like to know more about what’s going on in South Africa and how you can help, please email Jack or comment below. We would love to help connect you.