Wholistic Ministry Training

The Need

One of the biggest needs for the church in the Global South (aka, the non-Western World – where the majority of unreached & unchurched peoples are) is local leaders who are Biblically trained and spiritually formed. Here are some crazy stats that give you a snapshot of the situation:

  • 85% of churches in the world are led by men and women who have no formal training in theology or ministry.

  • If every Christian training institute in the world operated at 120 percent capacity, less than 10 percent of the unequipped leaders would be trained.

  • 8 out of 10 nationals who come to the West to receive training never return home.

  • Leaders from every non-Western region say their number one need is leadership training.

(David A. Livermore, Serving With Eyes Wide Open (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006, 41.) Missionaries and agencies around the globe are responding to this need. Check out this video, this blogthis series, this article

How we are doing theological education?

With UWM, we incorporate theological education into every program we do. We are committed to a ministry model which integrates theological education, along with spiritual formation and practical leadership skills. We don't just want to dispense information. We want to provide transformational learning experiences which shape participants' heads, hearts and hands. 

In South Africa, community gatherings feature the reading of Scripture. Community members are encouraged to disciple others, and be discipled as well. Everyone is in a process of growth and learning. 

Now, we are working alongside other missionaries, helping them to incorporate holistic ministry training into their programs, training them in teaching methods which produce both inner transformation and external transferance.